Home / news / Guided By Voices has Broken Up – What a Sad Day

Guided By Voices has Broken Up – What a Sad Day

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It hit me by surprise, to say the least. Guided by Voices are by far my most beloved band in the world. Seriously, in my humble opinion Bee Thousand is probably the best album in the world.

Guided By Voices

Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/billl/5623522392/

By some cosmic coincident I just checked their official tour page. I really hoped to see them live one day in the not so far suture so I was looking to hopefully find some brand new European tour. I lost my only chance to see them at a real live gig since they canceled their Primavera sound and ATP shows back in 2012.

Guided by Voices is over (for the second time). Thank you for the great music.

See their statement below:

“Guided By Voices has come to an end. With 4 years of great shows and six killer albums, it was a hell of a comeback run. The remaining shows in the next two months are unfortunately canceled. Our sincere apologies to those that have purchased tickets and made travel plans. Thanks to everyone who has supported GBV.”


Up to now, their twitter account is still not up to date.


Update: Now it’s official.

Update #2 – See the Facebook statement as well-



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One comment

  1. they have only said ‘has come to an end’……could be anything. Hopefully it is just a break up and not some sort of an illness

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